This summer I spent three weeks in Rome, to begin research for my Master’s thesis on the funerary commemoration of children. I stayed at the British School at Rome (BSR), located in the Valle Giulia near the Borghese Gardens. Thanks to its academic environment, I was able to interact with other scholars from Britain and Australia who research different areas of Roman history. I spent the majority of my time in museums looking at material related to my thesis, such as freedmen reliefs, funerary altars and sarcophagi. I was able to visit the various museums of the Museo Nazionale Romano (Palazzo Altemps, Palazzo Massimo and the Baths of Diocletian) as well as the Musei Capitolini. However, the highlight of my trip was visiting the Musei Vaticani. Through the BSR I was able to obtain a special permit that gave me access to areas of the Vatican that are usually closed off to visitors, such as the Museo Gregorio Profano and the Galleria Lapidaria. I also went on daytrips to Tivoli, to visit Hadrian’s Villa, and Ostia, an expansive archaeological site with a great museum. In addition to doing research for my thesis, I did some sightseeing at the Forum Romanum and the Imperial Fora, St. Peter’s, and other areas of Rome – including the incredible restaurants and sights in Trastevere. It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget!
(Photos courtesy of B. Scarfo: top left: Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli, top right: Vatican, Cortile del Belvedere)