Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Classics Coffee Hour 3:00 Wednesday 12 October
Classics Coffee Hour: Please join members of
the Dept. of Classics for coffee and treats on
Wednesday, 12 Oct. at 3:00 pm in TSH 719.
Come meet other students, meet faculty members and
learn more about Classics at Mac.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Classics USRA Project in Turkey

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Mac Classics Major in Germany, Austria and Italy
Ms. Katarina Benusova (Art History/Classics '12) spent part of her summer break touring Classical sites and museums in Europe. Her report from the field:

This May I was fortunate enough to travel to Europe and spend the entire month touring various countries, including Austria, Germany and Italy. As an Art History/Classics major, the focus of my travels were mainly museums, galleries and archaeological sites that I had previously studied at McMaster and now had the chance to experience in person. While every sight I visited was exciting in its own way, there were couple of highlights that made my trip really memorable. The first one was the Pergamon Museum, one of five large scale museums on the so called “museum island” in Berlin. The museum takes its name from the Pergamon Temple of Zeus , which is displayed inside along with the Ishtar Gate of Babylon, Miletus market gate and other architectural wonders, all moved here brick by brick from their original settings . My trip to Vienna involved a visit to another vast museum of art, the Kunsthistorisches Museum, which, among others, has an extensive collection of Roman antiquities – my favourite being the sardonyx cameos such as the Gemma Augustae. Last but not least was my trip to Sicily where I was particularly interested in visiting the Valley of Temples in Agrigento. Since I’ve not yet been to Greece, this was my first encounter with ancient Greek temples in situ. It was an amazing experience which inspired me to further research this ancient site, in particular the Olympieion, for the seminar courses I’ll be taking in the upcoming year at McMaster. Looking back at my trip, despite all the blisters from walking and many hours spent at airport terminals, I am glad that I packed my itinerary with so many destinations and in turn got to see some of world’s greatest works of art. No textbook image can beat the experience of standing before an ancient marble statue admiring its beauty or retracing the sacred route to a temple honoured centuries ago.
Photos: (top) Author at the Temple of Concord, Agrigento; (above) The Altar of Zeus from Pergamon, in Berlin
Friday, September 2, 2011
Mac Classics Graduate Explores Archaeology of Jordan

Since graduating from McMaster in 2010, I have moved to the U.K where I am currently working on my thesis for a Master’s in Classical Art and Archaeology at King’s College London. My particular interest is in the Roman military in provincia Arabia, looking closely at military-civilian interaction and the socio-economic status of towns with Roman forts. Therefore, it was particularly fortunate that I had the opportunity to go to Jordan this summer and participate in the 2011 field season of the Bir Madhkur Project, run by Dr. Andrew Smith II of George Washington University.
Bir Madkur is the site of a Roman fort in the Wadi Arabah region (the area between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea) of southern Jordan. This season’s focus was on surveying the fort’s hinterland, which means we were walking through alluvial fans (fields of boulders and rocks), wadis (large valleys, typically with ephemeral riverbeds), and up mountains along transects. Transects are pre-determined paths which are assigned through geo-spatial information system (GIS) software. The goal was to find, record, draw, and photograph the remains of anything that looked man made in order to determine how the land around the fort was used. As well as finding walls, graves, and possible structures the area was littered with pottery, we even found the occasional coin and ring. One of the more interesting aspects of working in Jordan is meeting the people, especially the Bedouin, who are incredibly friendly. The Bedouin are nomadic peoples and thus, are extremely familiar with the topography of Jordan and very often can identify the remains of something “old” in areas where it is particularly difficult. It was a special and unique experience working with the Bedouin, who in turn taught me a little bit of Arabic.
On the weekends, we had the chance to go out and explore Jordan. I used this time to go to Aqaba (Roman Ailia) and Petra, where I got up close and personal with the Khazneh, walked into the Urn Tomb, explored the Great Temple, and rode a camel. I also saw the Roman forts at Humayma and Da’ajaniya, as well as a medieval castle at Shobek. At the end of my trip, I got to spend a little time in Amman at the American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR), where I had the chance to do some research and explore the city.
(Photos courtesy of author: top: the author on camelback, below: the Wadi Arabah region with Roman settlement circled in red)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Mac Classics Graduate Student in Rome
This summer I spent three weeks in Rome, to begin research for my Master’s thesis on the funerary commemoration of children. I stayed at the British School at Rome (BSR), located in the Valle Giulia near the Borghese Gardens. Thanks to its academic environment, I was able to interact with other scholars from Britain and Australia who research different areas of Roman history. I spent the majority of my time in museums looking at material related to my thesis, such as freedmen reliefs, funerary altars and sarcophagi. I was able to visit the various museums of the Museo Nazionale Romano (Palazzo Altemps, Palazzo Massimo and the Baths of Diocletian) as well as the Musei Capitolini. However, the highlight of my trip was visiting the Musei Vaticani. Through the BSR I was able to obtain a special permit that gave me access to areas of the Vatican that are usually closed off to visitors, such as the Museo Gregorio Profano and the Galleria Lapidaria. I also went on daytrips to Tivoli, to visit Hadrian’s Villa, and Ostia, an expansive archaeological site with a great museum. In addition to doing research for my thesis, I did some sightseeing at the Forum Romanum and the Imperial Fora, St. Peter’s, and other areas of Rome – including the incredible restaurants and sights in Trastevere. It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget!
(Photos courtesy of B. Scarfo: top left: Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli, top right: Vatican, Cortile del Belvedere)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Mac Master's Student working in Italy
After leaving Orvieto, I spent a week researching for my MA thesis at the British School at Rome. The School has a great library with many archaeological publications that are not available anywhere in Canada. For July and August, I went down to Gravina in the Puglia region of southern Italy where I was a trench supervisor at the Vagnari Project. There I worked with a team of undergraduate anthropology students from McMaster University (under the direction of Dr. Tracy Prowse, Dept. of Anthropology) in a first to third century Roman cemetery. Since my MA research is related to burial practices in the Vagnari cemetery, working in the necropolis was the highlight of my summer, next to all the incredible Italian food!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Mac Classics Graduate Student in Athens

Ms. Katherine Denkers (MA `12) spent her summer in Athens, Greece. She reports:
For the past two months I have had the privilege of living in Greece. Thanks to the support of the Department of Classical Studies at McMaster University and the Raynsford Eatock Award I was able to participate in the Summer Session of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens and I was able to get an early start on my MA thesis research while staying at the Canadian Institute in Greece.
The American School Summer Session is an intensive learning program where participants travel to nearly all of the major historical sites in Greece under the guidance of experienced and knowledgeable directors. While the Summer Session was an amazing educational experience, there were also a number of other benefits. Because the Summer Session students are housed at the ASCSA residence Loring Hall, there were many opportunities to network not only with the other Summer Session students but also prominent and expert scholars who were also staying there. The regularly scheduled tea and ouzo hours in the saloni at Loring provided a friendly environment meant for exactly this purpose.
Also, Summer Session student participants are encouraged to use the Blegen and Gennadius Libraries' resources. The access to these facilities and resources were invaluable to me in pursuing research for my thesis. I was lucky enough to be able to extend my stay in Greece beyond the end of the 6 week Summer Session by staying at the Canadian Institute in Greece. The Institute is within walking distance of the ASCSA libraries so I was able to continue my research. The hostel maintained by the CIG was just like being at home with a fully stocked kitchen, air conditioning and friendly staff. It was also another great opportunity to meet other people from all academic levels in the field of Classics.
Traveling all over Greece was both physically and mentally exhausting. One student in my group wore a pedometer for the duration of the trip and at final count we had each taken somewhere around 1 000 000 + steps! However, the hot sun and aching feet were easily forgotten when we were given the opportunity to run a race at Olympia, to stand on top of the Parthenon, or explore the labyrinthine corridors behind the throne room at Knossos. I can honestly say that besides being a wonderful educational experience it was also an unforgettable life experience as well.
(Photos courtesy of K. Denkers. Clockwise: K. Denkers and the Athenian Acropolis, K. Denkers in front of the statue bases from the Philippeion at Olympia, K. Denkers inside the Parthenon)