Congratulations to all the Classics students whose hard work has been recognized not only by our university, but by provincial and international organizations!
Colleen Donahoe (MA ’10) and Sarah-Jane Evans (MA ’10) have both been awarded Ontario Graduate Scholarship awards, competitive province-wide prizes designed to “encourage excellence in graduate studies at the master’s and doctoral levels.”
Sarah-Jane Evans (MA ’10) has been awarded a Canada Graduate Scholarship, a prestigious national scholarship recognizing students “who demonstrate a high standard of achievement.”
Colleen Donahoe is also the recipient of the first George Mackay Paul Scholarship in Classics for demonstrating a high level of achievement in her first year of graduate studies.
Liana Brent (Classics ’10)—who last year won an Undergraduate Student Research Award to conduct her project Paestum: Regional Variation and Innovation, in which she examined three Doric temples at Poseidonia and Foce del Sele to determine how regionalism affected architecture and sculptural styles in Magna Graecia—has been accepted into the Summer Program in Archaeology at the American Academy in Rome. Liana is one of only 12 students accepted for this program, which is normally open only to graduate students.
Alison Innes (Classics ’09) has won the Harry C. Maynard Travel Scholarship from the Ontario Classical Association. Alison intends to use the fellowship to participate in a Study Tour of sites within Turkey (from Istanbul to Cappodocia, to the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts) led by Elizabeth Greene.
Louise Savocchia (Classics ’10) has won first prize (!) in the university-wide Humanities Essay Award contest, level 3, for her paper “The Lone Charioteer: Investigating the Sculpture and Inscription Set from Delphi,” written for Dr. Pope’s Greek Art course, Classics 2B03. In addition, Louise won the E. T. Salmon Travel Fellowship to travel to Greece and continue her research on the Charioteer.
David Wallace (Classics ’10) has won an Undergraduate Student Research Award to continue his research on retrograde inscriptions in Greek vase painting.
Once again: Congratulations all. And if I've left anyone out, please email me!